Friday, January 9, 2009


Hey all (even though I have no idea if anyone actually reads this). I just wanted to talk about relationship a boyfriend has with his girlfriend's friends. Most guys would agree with me when I say it is important to make friends with the gff (gf's friends). And its for obvious reasons, no matter what your gf says they have the ability to make or break the initial parts of a relationship or even a long one. These girls are her opinions, they can make your life easier or a lot harder. So of course, I did attempt this in my own relationship. It was working fine to begin with, I was cool with all her friends and I was able to actually make a really good friend out of one her friends. But I know the world isn't perfect, and especially with girls...drama occured. I know every girl thinks of her closest friends are as close as family but I also know for a fact at one point they were probably the worst enemies too. I'm not gonna go into details, I'll just get to the results. Devides were made and I ended up losing my good friend and her boyfriend (who was becoming just as good as friend) and the lost my trust of my gf's other friends. Now I don't know what to believe and what to know whats true or not, but thats not my issue. In the end I will be there for my gf, she is what's important to me. So if this is her decision, then I'll follow, no matter what the loses are. The issue I have, is that what did all of my attempts to make friends with this girls for? Because as the situation is now, I feel like none of the girls (that my gf still talks to) want anything to do with me and the only way they would even consider talking to me is where I have been put as the outsider. It just makes me wonder if I should of just not tried, let them be and not become friends with them. I mean that's what my girlfriend did, and she never had a problem with any of my friends (but my friends are wicked awesome ;) ). At least not to the point where my friends will refuse to hang out if its just the three of us. Eh, I guess this is the road i decided to take and I can only roll with the punches. Just to make the record straight, I don't have a problem with any of the girls anymore, if they do that's on them. I have grown from my mistakes and I know how to be civil. The last thing that gets to me is that I admit I made some mistakes and me and my gf have argued about thing where I shouldn't of said or felt. But why can't we all just move on? I mean I was able to just try to move on from my issues about them, why can't they? I'm the boyfriend, and I'm not going anywhere.

I fee like I've lost a good amount of friends this past year, and I know a good amount is probably my own fault. I have grown from it and if they have maybe things may not have to be the way they are.

Happy New Years everyone :)
God bless


TMak said...

True friends will stay with you no matter what. And that's why I'm still around. Because I'm wicked awesome lol. =D

The Misses said...
